Nowadays, the media and social networks are omnipresent. They have become part of our lives, especially through technological innovations. A revolution that has brought with it its risks. The list of abuses (cybercrime, cyberbulling, cyberstalking, etc.) orchestrated by unscrupulous or unconscious internet users is long, and is not likely to by closed soon il adequate solutions are not found. Unconsciousness leads to excesses, and on the contrary, a good practice of media literacy can be enriching.
Media literacy brings together all the pedagogical and didactical processes used to develop skills and specific knowledge about the media, in relation to social, political, economic or culturals issues and objectives (Landry & Letellier,2016).
Indeed, this work requires the effort of all stake holders (government, compagnies, students, teachers, parents, regulators, journalists bloggers, psychologists, lawyers, CSO, etc.) to train citizens to be more responsible in their uses and practices of all kinds, wich flood social media. This is why, media and information literacy is an imperative in Africa in the time of digitalization. It is more necessary tha ever, especialy in theses times when fake news, disinformation and all forms of abuses proliferate on social network.
The Camerounian Association for Media Education (EDUK-MEDIA), department of psychology and departement of cuuricula and evaluation are calling for papers for an international colloquim on the theme : Communication, social media and the challenfe of news uses : the contribution of media and information literacy ». The colloquim will aim at discussing the theoritical, epistemological, axiological and sociopolitical positions that guide research on media abuse and the contribution of media and 'information literacy.
Multidisciplinary analysis of causes, consequences of media abuse
- Media and social cognitions
- Hate speech and disinformation
- Politics and social networks
- Radicalism and violent extremism online
- Social networks and mental health
Communication in the media
- News media and participation
- Rebuildinf trust with the media
- Non-violent ommunication in the media
Public policies and actors
- Regulation of abuses on internet
- Justice an people's court on the media
- Scientific reseach and media
- Social networks and changes in work
- Securing electronic communications
- Violent extremism in the media
Media and information literacy : A necessary
- Institutionnalisation of MIL
- Teaching MIL
- Media and information skills
Doawload the call for contribution here